Tuesday 22 February 2011


Hi there, I am a first year student at UWE studying Forensic Computing. This is a small blog designed to highlight interesting events from the forensic field, and also show what it is like to live the life of a forensics student.

The reason for starting this was after an interesting talk from David Sullivan (http://www.appointments-uk.co.uk) about putting yourself "out there" to try and gain a position in the forensics field.

An interesting story that I read today was about a man who admitted to rape via facebook (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-12505683). It just shows how careful you have to be with social media, and that nothing is truly private any more. There has been a lot of discussion about the disclosure of private information recently, with Wikileaks making all the headlines and phone tapping from the News of the World. The story of Andy Gray and Richard Keys at SkySports also illustrates how sensitive you have to be around technology, what they perceived to be "private jokes" spread over YouTube and the internet rapidly and ended up with two less employees at the station.

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