Saturday 5 March 2011

Ubuntu 10.10


Ubuntu Logo
On Thursday evening I decided to install Ubuntu 10.10, I thought I should take the plunge after using Linux systems a lot at University. Before Uni I was very competent with Windows systems, and not really knowing any other operating systems getting used to Linux was an interesting challenge. The extra functionality available is amazing compared to Windows, and this has some great benefits for forensic tools based on the Linux system. With Linux's open source philosophy  there are many free tools which perform a multitude of tasks. Another massive benefit of the OS is the security, there are hardly any viruses based at the Linux system and even then it is very difficult to get root access.

I don't think I could use Ubuntu as my main OS just yet, although OpenOffice is a good replacement it does not have all the functionality of Word. The new shapes, and drawing tools in Word are very useful for diagramming. Slowly though I can see Ubuntu becoming my main OS, as I get a bit more used to it.

Forensics in the News

A recent event which took place in the HP building on campus was the Cyber Security Challenge ( It sounds like a really good forum to express forensic knowledge and to show yourself off if you think you have what it takes. There are prizes on offer for competitors, but also the event is looked at by people from the industry. It looks really good, maybe after a few years more experience it would be interesting to enter. 


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